Source code for stetl.inputs.httpinput

# Input classes for fetching data via HTTP.
# Author: Just van den Broecke
import re
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError
import base64

from stetl.component import Config
from stetl.input import Input
from stetl.util import Util
from stetl.packet import FORMAT

log = Util.get_log('httpinput')

[docs] class HttpInput(Input): """ Fetch data from remote services like WFS via HTTP protocol. Base class: subclasses will do datatype-specific formatting of the returned data. produces=FORMAT.any """ # Start attribute config meta # Applying Decorator pattern with the Config class to provide # read-only config values from the configured properties.
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default=None, required=True) def url(self): """ The HTTP URL string. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=dict, default=None, required=False) def auth(self): """ Authentication data: Flat JSON-like struct dependent on auth type/schema. Only the `type` field is required, other fields depend on auth schema. Supported values : :: type: basic|token If the type is ``basic`` (HTTP Basic Authentication) two additional fields ``user`` and ``password`` are required. If the type is ``token`` (HTTP Token) additional two additional fields ``keyword`` and ``token`` are required. Any required Base64 encoding is provided by ``HttpInput``. Examples: :: # Basic Auth url = auth = { type: basic, user: myname password: mypassword } # Token Auth url = auth = { type: token, keyword: Bearer token: mytoken } """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=dict, default=None, required=False) def parameters(self): """ Flat JSON-like struct of the parameters to be appended to the url. Example: (parameters require quotes):: url = parameters = { service : WFS, version : 1.1.0, request : GetFeature, srsName : EPSG:28992, outputFormat : text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2, typename : natura2000 } """ pass
# End attribute config meta def __init__(self, configdict, section, produces=FORMAT.any): Input.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces)"url=%s parameters=%s" % (self.url, self.parameters))
[docs] def add_authorization(self, request): """ Add authorization from config data. Authorization scheme-specific. May be extended or overloaded for additional schemes. :param request: the HTTP Request :return: """ auth_creds = self.auth auth_type = auth_creds['type'] auth_val = None if auth_type == 'basic': # Basic auth: # base64 encode username and password # write the Authorization header like: 'Basic base64encode(username + ':' + password) auth_val = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (auth_creds['user'], auth_creds['password'])) auth_val = "Basic %s" % auth_val elif auth_type == 'token': # Bearer Type, see eg. auth_val = "%s %s" % (auth_creds['keyword'], auth_creds['token']) request.add_header("Authorization", auth_val.replace('\n', ''))
[docs] def read_from_url(self, url, parameters=None): """ Read the data from the URL. :param url: the url to fetch :param parameters: optional dict of query parameters :return: """ #'Fetch data from URL: %s ...' % url) req = Request(url) try: # Urlencode optional parameters query_string = None if parameters: query_string = str.encode(urlencode(parameters)) # Add optional Authorization if self.auth: self.add_authorization(req) response = urlopen(req, query_string) except HTTPError as e: log.error('HTTPError fetching from URL %s: code=%d e=%s' % (url, e.code, e)) raise e except URLError as e: log.error('URLError fetching from URL %s: reason=%s e=%s' % (url, e.reason, e)) raise e # Everything is fine return
[docs] def read(self, packet): """ Read the data from the URL. :param packet: :return: """ # Done with URL ? if self.url is None: packet.set_end_of_stream()"EOF URL reading done") return packet = self.format_data(self.read_from_url(self.url, self.parameters)) self.url = None return packet
[docs] def format_data(self, data): """ Format response data, override in subclasses, defaults to returning original data. :param packet: :return: """ return data
[docs] class ApacheDirInput(HttpInput): """ Read file data from an Apache directory "index" HTML page. Uses produces=FORMAT.record. Each record contains file_name and file_data (other meta data like date time is too fragile over different Apache servers). """
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default='xml', required=False) def file_ext(self): """ The file extension for target files in Apache dir. """ pass
def __init__(self, configdict, section, produces=FORMAT.record): HttpInput.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces) # look for a link + a timestamp + a size ('-' for dir) # self.parse_re = re.compile('href="([^"]*)".*(..-...-.... ..:..).*?(\d+[^\s<]*|-)') # This appeared to be too fragile, e.g. different date formats per apache server # default file extension to filter # default regular expression for file self.file_reg_exp = self.cfg.get('file_reg_exp', 'href="([^"]*%s)"' % self.file_ext) self.parse_re = re.compile(self.file_reg_exp) self.file_list = None self.file_index = None if not self.url.endswith('/'): self.url += '/'
[docs] def init(self): """ Read the list of files from the Apache index URL. """ # One time: get all files from remote Apache dir'Init: fetching file list from URL: %s ...' % self.url) html = self.read_from_url(self.url) self.file_list = self.parse_re.findall(html)'Found %4d file' % len(self.file_list) + 's' * (len(self.file_list) != 1))
[docs] def next_file(self): """ Return a tuple (name, date, size) with next file info. :return tuple: """ if self.file_index is None: self.file_index = -1 # At last file tuple ? if self.no_more_files(): return None self.file_index += 1 return self.file_list[self.file_index]
[docs] def no_more_files(self): """ More files left?. :return Boolean: """ return self.file_index == len(self.file_list) - 1
[docs] def read(self, packet): """ Read the data from the URL. :param packet: :return: """ file_name = self.next_file() file_name = self.filter_file(file_name) # All files done? if file_name is None and self.no_more_files() is True: packet.set_end_of_stream()"EOF Apache dir files done, file_index=%d" % self.file_index) return packet if file_name is None: return packet # Process next file url = self.url + file_name"Reading file_index=%d, file_name=%s " % (self.file_index, file_name)) # Create record from file_name and file content = dict(file_name=file_name, file_data=self.read_from_url(url)) return packet
[docs] def filter_file(self, file_name): """ Filter the file_name, e.g. to suppress reading, default: return file_name. :param file_name: :return string or None: """ return file_name