Source code for stetl.inputs.ogrinput

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Input classes for ETL via GDAL OGR.
# Author: Just van den Broecke
import subprocess
from stetl.component import Config
from stetl.util import Util, gdal, ogr
from stetl.input import Input
from stetl.packet import FORMAT

log = Util.get_log('ogrinput')

[docs] class OgrInput(Input): """ Direct GDAL OGR input via Python OGR wrapper. Via the Python API an OGR data source is accessed and from each layer the Features are read. Each Layer corresponds to a "doc", so for multi-layer sources the 'end-of-doc' flag is set after a Layer has been read. This input can read almost any geospatial dataformat. One can use the features directly in a Stetl Filter or use a converter to e.g. convert to GeoJSON structures. produces=FORMAT.ogr_feature or FORMAT.ogr_feature_array (all features) """ # Start attribute config meta # Applying Decorator pattern with the Config class to provide # read-only config values from the configured properties.
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default=None, required=True) def data_source(self): """ String denoting the OGR datasource. Usually a path to a file like "path/rivers.shp" or connection string to PostgreSQL like "PG: host=localhost dbname='rivers' user='postgres'". """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default=None, required=False) def source_format(self): """ Instructs GDAL to use driver by that name to open datasource. Not required for many standard formats that are self-describing like ESRI Shapefile. Examples: 'PostgreSQL', 'GeoJSON' etc """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=dict, default=None, required=False) def source_options(self): """ Custom datasource-specific options. Used in gdal.SetConfigOption(). """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default=None, required=False) def sql(self): """ String with SQL query. Mandatory for PostgreSQL OGR source. """ pass
# End attribute config meta # Constructor def __init__(self, configdict, section): Input.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces=[FORMAT.ogr_feature, FORMAT.ogr_feature_array])
[docs] def init(self): self.ogr = ogr # self.gdal = gdal self.gdal.UseExceptions()"Using GDAL/OGR version: %d" % int(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM'))) # GDAL error handler function # def gdal_error_handler(err_class, err_num, err_msg): err_type = { gdal.CE_None: 'None', gdal.CE_Debug: 'Debug', gdal.CE_Warning: 'Warning', gdal.CE_Failure: 'Failure', gdal.CE_Fatal: 'Fatal' } err_msg = err_msg.replace('\n', ' ') err_class = err_type.get(err_class, 'None') log.error('Error Number: %s, Type: %s, Msg: %s' % (err_num, err_class, err_msg)) # install error handler self.gdal.PushErrorHandler(gdal_error_handler) # Raise a dummy error for testing # self.gdal.Error(1, 2, 'test error') if self.source_options: for k in self.source_options: self.gdal.SetConfigOption(k, self.source_options[k]) # Open OGR data source in read-only mode. if self.source_format: self.data_source_p = ogr.GetDriverByName(self.source_format).Open(self.data_source, 0) else: self.data_source_p = self.ogr.Open(self.data_source, 0) # Report failure if failed if self.data_source_p is None: log.error("Cannot open OGR datasource: %s with the following drivers." % Util.safe_string_value(self.data_source)) for iDriver in range(self.ogr.GetDriverCount()):" -> " + self.ogr.GetDriver(iDriver).GetName()) raise Exception() else: # Open ok: initialize self.layer = None if self.sql: self.layer_count = 1 self.layer_idx = -1 else: self.layer_count = self.data_source_p.GetLayerCount() self.layer_idx = 0"Opened OGR source ok: %s layer count=%d" % (Util.safe_string_value(self.data_source), self.layer_count))
def read(self, packet): if not self.data_source_p:"End reading from: %s" % Util.safe_string_value(self.data_source)) return packet if self.layer is None: if self.sql and self.layer_idx == -1: # PostgreSQL: Layer is gotten via Query # self.layer = self.data_source_p.ExecuteSQL(self.sql) self.layer_idx = 0 elif self.layer_idx < self.layer_count: self.layer = self.data_source_p.GetLayer(self.layer_idx) self.layer_idx += 1 if self.layer is None: log.error("Could not fetch layer %d" % 0) raise Exception()"Start reading from OGR Source: %s, Layer: %s" % (Util.safe_string_value(self.data_source), self.layer.GetName())) else: # No more Layers left: cleanup packet.set_end_of_stream()"Closing OGR source: %s" % Util.safe_string_value(self.data_source)) # Destroy not required anymore: # self.data_source_p.Destroy() self.data_source_p = None return packet # Return all features from Layer (ogr_feature_array) or next feature (ogr_feature) if self.output_format == FORMAT.ogr_feature_array: # Assemble all features features = list() for feature in self.layer: features.append(feature) = features"End reading all features from Layer: %s count=%d" % (self.layer.GetName(), len(features))) packet.set_end_of_doc() self.layer = None else: # Next feature feature = self.layer.GetNextFeature() if feature: = feature else:"End reading from Layer: %s" % self.layer.GetName()) packet.set_end_of_doc() self.layer = None return packet
[docs] class OgrPostgisInput(Input): """ Input from PostGIS via ogr2ogr command. For now hardcoded to produce an ogr GML line stream. OgrInput may be a better alternative. Alternatives: either stetl.input.PostgresqlInput or stetl.input.OgrInput. produces=FORMAT.xml_line_stream """ # Start attribute config meta
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, required=False, default='localhost') def in_pg_host(self): """ Host of input DB. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, required=False, default='5432') def in_pg_port(self): """ Port of input DB. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, required=True, default=None) def in_pg_db(self): """ Database name input DB. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, required=False, default=None) def in_pg_schema(self): """ DB Schema name input DB. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, required=False, default='postgres') def in_pg_user(self): """ User input DB. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, required=False, default='postgres') def in_pg_password(self): """ Password input DB. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, required=False, default=None) def in_srs(self): """ SRS (projection) (ogr2ogr -s_srs) input DB e.g. 'EPSG:28992'. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, required=False, default=None) def in_pg_sql(self): """ The input query (string) to fire. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, required=False, default=None) def out_srs(self): """ Target SRS (ogr2ogr -t_srs) code output stream. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, required=False, default='2') def out_dimension(self): """ Dimension (OGR: DIM=N) of features in output stream. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, required=False, default=None) def out_gml_format(self): """ GML format OGR name in output stream, e.g. 'GML3'. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, required=False, default=None) def out_layer_name(self): """ New Layer name (ogr2ogr -nln) output stream, e.g. 'address'. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, required=False, default=None) def out_geotype(self): """ OGR Geometry type new layer in output stream, e.g. POINT. """ pass
# End attribute config meta # TODO make this template configurable so we can have generic ogr2ogr input.... pg_conn_tmpl = "PG:host=%s dbname=%s active_schema=%s user=%s password=%s port=%s" cmd_tmpl = 'ogr2ogr|-t_srs|%s|-s_srs|%s|-f|GML|%s|-dsco|FORMAT=%s|-lco|DIM=%s|%s|-SQL|%s|-nln|%s|%s' # Constructor def __init__(self, configdict, section): Input.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces=FORMAT.xml_line_stream)
[docs] def init(self): self.ogr_process = None self.eof_stdout = False self.eof_stderr = False self.out_file = '/vsistdout/' # # Build ogr2ogr command line # # PostGIS PG: options = OgrPostgisInput.pg_conn_tmpl % ( self.in_pg_host, self.in_pg_db, self.in_pg_schema, self.in_pg_user, self.in_pg_password, self.in_pg_port) # Entire ogr2ogr command line self.cmd = OgrPostgisInput.cmd_tmpl % ( self.out_srs, self.in_srs, self.out_file, self.out_gml_format, self.out_dimension,, self.in_pg_sql, self.out_layer_name, self.out_geotype) # Make array to make it easy for Popen with quotes etc self.cmd = self.cmd.split('|')
def exec_cmd(self):"start ogr2ogr cmd = %s" % Util.safe_string_value(repr(self.cmd))) self.ogr_process = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) err_line = self.readline_err() if err_line: log.warning('ogr2ogr: %s ' % err_line) # exit_code = self.ogr_process.returncode def readline(self): if self.eof_stdout is True: return None line = self.ogr_process.stdout.readline() if not line: self.eof_stdout = True"EOF stdout") return None line = line.decode('utf-8') return line def readline_err(self): if self.eof_stderr is True: return None line = self.ogr_process.stderr.readline() if not line: self.eof_stderr = True"EOF stderr") return None return line def read(self, packet): if packet.is_end_of_stream(): return packet # First time here : spawn the ogr2ogr command if self.ogr_process is None: # New splitter for each layer self.exec_cmd() = self.readline() if not err_line = self.readline_err() if err_line: log.warning('ogr2ogr: %s ' % err_line) packet.set_end_of_stream()'EOF ogr2ogr output') return packet