Source code for stetl.filters.execfilter

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Executes the given command and returns the captured output.
# Author: Frank Steggink
import subprocess
import os
from stetl.component import Config
from stetl.filter import Filter
from stetl.util import Util
from stetl.packet import FORMAT

log = Util.get_log('execfilter')

[docs]class ExecFilter(Filter): """ Executes any command (abstract base class). """
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default='', required=False) def env_args(self): """ Provides of list of environment variables which will be used when executing the given command. Example: env_args = pgpassword=postgres othersetting=value~with~spaces """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default='=', required=False) def env_separator(self): """ Provides the separator to split the environment variable names from their values. """ pass
def __init__(self, configdict, section, consumes, produces): Filter.__init__(self, configdict, section, consumes, produces)
[docs] def invoke(self, packet): return packet
def execute_cmd(self, cmd): env_vars = Util.string_to_dict(self.env_args, self.env_separator) old_environ = os.environ.copy() try: os.environ.update(env_vars)"executing cmd=%s" % cmd) result = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)"execute done") return result finally: os.environ = old_environ
[docs]class CommandExecFilter(ExecFilter): """ Executes an arbitrary command and captures the output consumes=FORMAT.string, produces=FORMAT.string """ def __init__(self, configdict, section): ExecFilter.__init__(self, configdict, section, consumes=FORMAT.string, produces=FORMAT.string)
[docs] def invoke(self, packet): if is not None: = self.execute_cmd( return packet