Source code for stetl.inputs.fileinput

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Input classes for ETL, Files.
# Author: Just van den Broecke
from stetl.component import Config
from stetl.input import Input
from stetl.util import Util, etree
from stetl.utils.apachelog import formats, parser
from stetl.packet import FORMAT
import csv
import re
import fnmatch

log = Util.get_log('fileinput')

[docs]class FileInput(Input): """ Abstract base class for specific FileInputs, use derived classes. """ # Start attribute config meta # Applying Decorator pattern with the Config class to provide # read-only config values from the configured properties.
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default=None, required=False) def file_path(self): """ Path to file or files or URLs: can be a dir or files or URLs or even multiple, comma separated. For URLs only JSON is supported now. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default='*.[gxGX][mM][lL]', required=False) def filename_pattern(self): """ Filename pattern according to Python ``glob.glob`` for example: '\\*.[gxGX][mM][lL]' """ pass
# End attribute config meta def __init__(self, configdict, section, produces): Input.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces) # Create the list of files to be used as input self.file_list = Util.make_file_list(self.file_path, None, self.filename_pattern, self.depth_search)"file_list=%s" % str(self.file_list)) if not len(self.file_list): raise Exception('File list is empty!!') self.cur_file_path = None self.file_list_done = [] def read(self, packet): if not len(self.file_list): return packet file_path = self.file_list.pop(0)"Read/parse for start for file=%s...." % file_path) = self.read_file(file_path)"Read/parse ok for file=%s" % file_path) # One-time read: we're all done packet.set_end_of_doc() if not len(self.file_list):"all files done") packet.set_end_of_stream() self.file_list_done.append(file_path) return packet
[docs] def read_file(self, file_path): """ Override in subclass. """ pass
[docs]class StringFileInput(FileInput): """ Reads and produces file as String. produces=FORMAT.string """ # Start attribute config meta
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default=None, required=False) def format_args(self): """ Formatting of content according to Python String.format() Input file should have substitutable values like {schema} {foo} format_args should be of the form ``format_args = schema:test foo:bar`` """ pass
# End attribute config meta def __init__(self, configdict, section): FileInput.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces=FORMAT.string) self.file = None # Optional formatting of content according to Python String.format() # Input file should have substitutable values like {schema} {foo} # format_args should be of the form format_args = schema:test foo:bar if self.format_args: # Convert string to dict: self.format_args = Util.string_to_dict(self.format_args, ':')
[docs] def read_file(self, file_path): """ Overridden from base class. """ file_content = None with open(file_path, 'r') as f: file_content = # Optional: string substitution based on Python String.format() # But you can also use StringSubstitutionFilter from filters. if self.format_args: file_content = file_content.format(**self.format_args) return file_content
[docs]class XmlFileInput(FileInput): """ Parses XML files into etree docs (do not use for large files!). produces=FORMAT.etree_doc """ # Constructor def __init__(self, configdict, section): FileInput.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces=FORMAT.etree_doc)
[docs] def read_file(self, file_path): # One-time read/parse only data = None try: data = etree.parse(file_path) except Exception as e:'file read and parsed NOT OK : %s, err=%s' % (file_path, str(e))) return data
[docs]class XmlElementStreamerFileInput(FileInput): """ Extracts XML elements from a file, outputs each feature element in Packet. Parsing is streaming (no internal DOM buildup) so any file size can be handled. Use this class for your big GML files! produces=FORMAT.etree_element """ # Start attribute config meta
[docs] @Config(ptype=list, default=None, required=True) def element_tags(self): """ Comma-separated string of XML (feature) element tag names of the elements that should be extracted and added to the output element stream. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=bool, default=False, required=False) def strip_namespaces(self): """ should namespaces be removed from the input document and thus not be present in the output element stream? """ pass
# End attribute config meta # Constructor def __init__(self, configdict, section): FileInput.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces=FORMAT.etree_element) self.file_list_done = [] self.context = None self.root = None self.elem_count = 0"Element tags to be matched: %s" % self.element_tags) def read(self, packet): event = None = None if self.context is None: if not len(self.file_list): # No more files left, all done"No more files left") return packet # Files available: pop next file self.cur_file_path = self.file_list.pop(0) fd = open(self.cur_file_path) self.elem_count = 0"file opened : %s" % self.cur_file_path) self.context = etree.iterparse(fd, events=("start", "end")) self.context = iter(self.context) event, self.root = try: event, elem = except (etree.XMLSyntaxError, StopIteration): # workaround for etree.XMLSyntaxError self.context = None if self.context is None: # Always end of doc packet.set_end_of_doc()"End of doc: %s elem_count=%d" % (self.cur_file_path, self.elem_count)) # Maybe end of stream (all docs done) if not len(self.file_list): # No more files left: end of stream packet.set_end_of_stream()"End of stream") return packet # Filter out Namespace from the tag # this is the easiest way to go for now tag = elem.tag.split('}') if len(tag) == 2: # Namespaced tag: 2nd is tag tag = tag[1] else: # Non-namespaced tag: first tag = tag[0] if tag in self.element_tags: if event == "start": # TODO check if deepcopy is the right thing to do here. # = elem pass # self.root.remove(elem) elif event == "end": # Delete the element from the tree # self.root.clear() = elem self.elem_count += 1 self.root.remove(elem) if self.strip_namespaces: = Util.stripNamespaces(elem).getroot() return packet
[docs]class LineStreamerFileInput(FileInput): """ Reads text-files, producing a stream of lines, one line per Packet. NB assumed is that lines in the file have newlines !! """ def __init__(self, configdict, section, produces=FORMAT.line_stream): FileInput.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces) self.file_list_done = [] self.file = None def read(self, packet): # No more files left and done with current file ? if not len(self.file_list) and self.file is None: packet.set_end_of_stream()"EOF file list") return packet # Done with current file or first file ? if self.file is None: self.cur_file_path = self.file_list.pop(0) self.file = open(self.cur_file_path, 'r')"file opened : %s" % self.cur_file_path) if packet.is_end_of_stream(): return packet # Assume valid line line = self.file.readline() # EOF reached ? if not line or line == '': = None packet.set_end_of_doc()"EOF file") if self.cur_file_path is not None: self.file_list_done.append(self.cur_file_path) self.cur_file_path = None if not len(self.file_list): # No more files left: end of stream reached packet.set_end_of_stream()"EOF file list") self.file = None return packet line = line.decode('utf-8') = self.process_line(line) return packet
[docs] def process_line(self, line): """ Override in subclass. """ return line
[docs]class XmlLineStreamerFileInput(LineStreamerFileInput): """ DEPRECATED Streams lines from an XML file(s) NB assumed is that lines in the file have newlines !! DEPRECATED better is to use XmlElementStreamerFileInput for GML features. produces=FORMAT.xml_line_stream """ # Constructor def __init__(self, configdict, section): LineStreamerFileInput.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces=FORMAT.xml_line_stream)
[docs]class CsvFileInput(FileInput): """ Parse CSV file into stream of records (dict structures) or a one-time record array. NB raw version: CSV needs to have first line with fieldnames. produces=FORMAT.record or FORMAT.record_array """
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default=',', required=False) def delimiter(self): """ A one-character string used to separate fields. It defaults to ','. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default='"', required=False) def quote_char(self): """ A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters. It defaults to '"'. """ pass
# Constructor def __init__(self, configdict, section): FileInput.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces=[FORMAT.record_array, FORMAT.record]) self.file = None
[docs] def init(self): # Init CSV reader'Open CSV file: %s', self.file_path) self.file = open(self.file_path) self.csv_reader = csv.DictReader(self.file, delimiter=self.delimiter, quotechar=self.quote_char) if self._output_format == FORMAT.record_array: self.arr = list()
def read(self, packet): try: = if self._output_format == FORMAT.record_array: while True: self.arr.append( ="CSV row nr %d read: %s" % (self.csv_reader.line_num - 1, except Exception: if self._output_format == FORMAT.record_array: = self.arr packet.set_end_of_stream() self.file.close() return packet
[docs]class JsonFileInput(FileInput): """ Parse JSON file from file system or URL into hierarchical data struct. The struct format may also be a GeoJSON structure. In that case the output_format needs to be explicitly set to geojson_collection in the component config. produces=FORMAT.struct or FORMAT.geojson_collection """ # Constructor def __init__(self, configdict, section): FileInput.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces=[FORMAT.struct, FORMAT.geojson_collection])
[docs] def read_file(self, file_path): # One-time read/parse only try: import json # may read/parse JSON from file or URL if file_path.startswith('http'): import urllib2 fp = urllib2.urlopen(file_path) file_data = json.loads( else: with open(file_path) as data_file: file_data = json.load(data_file) except Exception as e: log.error('Cannot read JSON from %s, err= %s' % (file_path, str(e))) raise e return file_data
[docs]class ApacheLogFileInput(FileInput): """ Parses Apache log files. Lines are converted into records based on the log format. Log format should follow Apache Log Format. See ApacheLogParser for details. produces=FORMAT.record """
[docs] @Config(ptype=dict, default={'%l': 'logname', '%>s': 'status', '%D': 'deltat', '%{User-agent}i': 'agent', '%b': 'bytes', '%{Referer}i': 'referer', '%u': 'user', '%t': 'time', "'%h": 'host', '%r': 'request'}, required=False) def key_map(self): """ Map of cryptic %-field names to readable keys in record. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default=formats['extended'], required=False) def log_format(self): """ Log format according to Apache CLF """ pass
# Constructor def __init__(self, configdict, section): FileInput.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces=FORMAT.record) self.file_list_done = [] self.file = None self.parser = parser(self.log_format, self.key_map, options={'methods': ['GET', 'POST'], 'use_native_types': True, 'request_path_only': True, 'gen_key': True}) def read(self, packet): # No more files left and done with current file ? if not len(self.file_list) and self.file is None: packet.set_end_of_stream()"EOF file list") return packet # Done with current file or first file ? if self.file is None: self.cur_file_path = self.file_list.pop(0) self.file = open(self.cur_file_path, 'r')"file opened : %s" % self.cur_file_path) if packet.is_end_of_stream(): return packet # Assume valid line line = self.file.readline() # EOF reached ? if not line or line == '': = None packet.set_end_of_doc()"EOF file") if self.cur_file_path is not None: self.file_list_done.append(self.cur_file_path) self.cur_file_path = None if not len(self.file_list): # No more files left: end of stream reached packet.set_end_of_stream()"EOF file list") self.file = None return packet # Parse logfile line into record (dict) = None try: = self.parser.parse(line) except Exception as e: log.warn("Cannot parse e=%s" % str(e)) return packet
[docs]class ZipFileInput(FileInput): """ Parse ZIP file from file system or URL into a stream of records containing zipfile-path and file names. produces=FORMAT.record """
[docs] @Config(ptype=str, default='*', required=False) def name_filter(self): """ Regular "glob.glob" expression for filtering out filenames from the ZIP archive. """ pass
def __init__(self, configdict, section): FileInput.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces=FORMAT.record) self.file_content = None # Pre-compile name filter into regex object to match filenames in zip-archive(s) later # See default (*) above, so we alo have a name_filter. self.fname_matcher = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(self.name_filter)) def read(self, packet): # No more files left and done with current file ? if not self.file_content and not len(self.file_list): packet.set_end_of_stream()"EOF file list, all files done") return packet # Done with current file or first file ? if self.file_content is None: self.cur_file_path = self.file_list.pop(0) # Assemble list of file names in archive import zipfile zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.cur_file_path, 'r') namelist = [{'file_path': self.cur_file_path, 'name': name} for name in zf.namelist()] # Apply filename filter to namelist (TODO could be done in single step with previous step) self.file_content = [item for item in namelist if self.fname_matcher.match(item["name"])]"zip file read : %s filecount=%d" % (self.cur_file_path, len(self.file_content))) if len(self.file_content): = self.file_content.pop(0)"Pop file record: %s" % str( if not len(self.file_content): self.file_content = None return packet
[docs]class GlobFileInput(FileInput): """ Returns file names based on the glob.glob pattern given as filename_filter. produces=FORMAT.string or FORMAT.line_stream """ def __init__(self, configdict, section, produces=[FORMAT.string, FORMAT.line_stream]): FileInput.__init__(self, configdict, section, produces) def read(self, packet): if not len(self.file_list): return packet file_path = self.file_list.pop(0) # TODO: os.path.join? = file_path # One-time read: we're all done packet.set_end_of_doc() if not len(self.file_list):"all files done") packet.set_end_of_stream() self.file_list_done.append(file_path) return packet