Source code for stetl.filters.xmlelementreader

# Reads an XML file and returns XML elements.
# Based on inputs.fileinput.XmlElementStreamFileInput.
# Author: Frank Steggink
from copy import deepcopy

from stetl.component import Config
from stetl.filter import Filter
from stetl.util import Util, etree
from stetl.packet import FORMAT

log = Util.get_log('xmlelementreader')

[docs] class XmlElementReader(Filter): """ Extracts XML elements from a file, outputs each feature element in Packet. Parsing is streaming (no internal DOM buildup) so any file size can be handled. Use this class for your big GML files! consumes=FORMAT.string, produces=FORMAT.etree_element """ # Start attribute config meta
[docs] @Config(ptype=list, default=None, required=True) def element_tags(self): """ Comma-separated string of XML (feature) element tag names of the elements that should be extracted and added to the output element stream. """ pass
[docs] @Config(ptype=bool, default=False, required=False) def strip_namespaces(self): """ should namespaces be removed from the input document and thus not be present in the output element stream? """ pass
# End attribute config meta # Constructor def __init__(self, configdict, section): Filter.__init__(self, configdict, section, consumes=FORMAT.string, produces=FORMAT.etree_element) self.context = None self.root = None self.cur_file_path = None self.elem_count = 0"Element tags to be matched: %s" % self.element_tags)
[docs] def invoke(self, packet): if is None:"No XML file given") return packet if self.cur_file_path is None: self.cur_file_path = event = None = None if self.context is None: # Open file fd = open(self.cur_file_path, 'rb') self.elem_count = 0"file opened : %s" % self.cur_file_path) self.context = etree.iterparse(fd, events=("start", "end")) self.context = iter(self.context) event, self.root = next(self.context) packet = self.process_xml(packet) return packet
def process_xml(self, packet): while self.context is not None: # while not packet.is_end_of_doc(): try: event, elem = next(self.context) except (etree.XMLSyntaxError, StopIteration): # workaround for etree.XMLSyntaxError self.context = None if self.context is None: # Always end of doc # TODO: is this still useful for a non-input component? packet.set_end_of_doc()"End of doc: %s elem_count=%d" % (self.cur_file_path, self.elem_count)) return packet # Filter out Namespace from the tag # this is the easiest way to go for now tag = elem.tag.split('}') if len(tag) == 2: # Namespaced tag: 2nd is tag tag = tag[1] else: # Non-namespaced tag: first tag = tag[0] if tag in self.element_tags: if event == "start": pass elif event == "end": = deepcopy(elem) self.elem_count += 1 if self.strip_namespaces: = Util.stripNamespaces(elem).getroot() # Clear the element which has been read. Don't clear the root document, # since the last element hasn't been processed yet. elem.clear() # If there is a next component, let it process if # Hand-over data (line, doc whatever) to the next component packet.format = self._output_format packet = return packet